Dr. Q’s Corner – Sleep Disorders: Part Two 3/22

In part one of our March sleep disorder blog, we took a look at common sleep disorders and how lacking quality sleep can badly impact your health and wreck your day. Here we cover the treatments for the various types of sleep disorders. Some will only require lifestyle changes, while others may need medical treatment or a combination of both. 

Lifestyle changes are things that we can do on our own to begin the process of improving quality of sleep.  One of the first things we can do is set a bedtime and wake up time for the same time each day. Avoiding stimulants, such as sugary foods and caffeine late in the day, can help with getting better sleep. Putting away the electronics at bedtime can reduce mental stimulation. Some other changes include: 

  • Adding more vegetables and fish into your diet and reducing sugar intake 
  • Lowering stress and anxiety through exercise and stretching 
  • Drinking less water before bedtime
  • Decreasing tobacco and alcohol use 
  • Maintaining a healthy weight based on your doctor’s recommendations 

If lifestyle changes are not enough to improve your sleep quality, there are some medical treatments. These range from over-the-counter treatments to prescribed medications or treatments:  

  • Sleeping pills 
  • Melatonin supplements 
  • Allergy or cold medication 
  • Medications for any underlying health issues 
  • Breathing device or surgery (such as a CPAP for sleep apnea) 
  • A dental guard (usually for teeth grinding) 

It is important to realize that treatments may not work right away. It is important to stay with a plan and give it a chance! If you sleep quality is not getting better, contact your provider to help you find a better approach.  
