Tell Me Something Good – Happy Disability Pride Month!

At My Choice Wisconsin, our staff regularly receive uplifting emails from our Member Advisory Committee. These feel-good messages make our week and we’re pleased they have agreed to include you in sharing their positive thoughts!

On behalf of the Member Advisory Committee, Happy Disability Pride Month! My name is Bruce, and I am on the Member Advisory Committee (MAC). I’d like to share a little about Disability Pride Month.

Since 1990, Disability Pride Month is celebrated every July to honor the passing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The ADA is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination based on disability. The basis of Disability Pride is to change the way people and society view disabilities and to end the negative beliefs about people with different characteristics – physical, mental, or cognitive – that many people assume are not normal. These negative beliefs have led to harmful stereotypes that keep people with disabilities from being able to lead happy and productive lives.

A black flag with colorful lightning bolts on it Description automatically generated

  • The Disability Pride flag is designed to educate people through its symbols and colors.
  • The DARK BACKGROUND represents the suffering of victims of ableist violence and abuse.
  • The DIAGONAL BAND represents the cutting across the barriers that people with disabilities face.
  • The BLUE STRIPE represents emotional and psychiatric disabilities.
  • The GOLD STRIPE represents neurodiversity (including intellectual and developmental disabilities).
  • The WHITE STRIPE represents non-visible and undiagnosed disabilities.
  • The RED STRIPE represents physical disabilities.
  • The GREEN STRIPE represents sensory disabilities.

Until I became disabled, both mentally and physically, I never imagined how hard life could be for someone with a disability and how disability effects everything in life. I am a loving, caring, and supportive person. Just being a father and raising five boys helped me to become a better person. I am outspoken, honest, loyal, protective, and a great leader. During my life and as of this day, I have always been an aggressive advocate for the underdogs of society. When I was asked to join the MAC, it gave me the extra incentive to help others while helping myself at the same time. Being a part of the MAC has given me passion and joy, knowing that I can make a difference and help others by being a great advocate.

Celebrate Disability Pride!