Minimum Fee Schedule Update

Dear Provider,

As you may be aware, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) has recently initiated a minimum fee schedule for Residential, Supportive Home Care and Supportive Visit Services, intended to be effective (retroactive) to October 1, 2024. This means there will potentially be changes to your agreement and rates with My Choice Wisconsin by Molina Healthcare (MCW).

What we are doing:

  • We are currently reviewing all Residential, Supportive Home Care, and Supportive Visit provider contracts, and will issue contract amendments as necessary by December 31, 2024.
  • We are reconfiguring the MIDAS system to incorporate the required code and reimbursement updates to distribute new authorizations and contract amendments.
  • We’ve created a new webpage to keep you informed with frequent updates:
  • We’ve created a new email inbox for you to send any questions:
  • Over the next few weeks, we will send out communications relevant to your specific provider type and offer several office hours to answer your individual questions. Please stay tuned to your email for more information, coming soon!

Provider action needed:

  • Please continue your current billing procedures until you receive the new amendment and authorizations (where applicable).
    • Note: Any clean claims for services on or after October 1, 2024 submitted prior to receiving the new amendment and authorizations will be reprocessed with the appropriate reimbursement. You do not need to resubmit.
  • When you receive the new amendment and authorizations, you will be required to bill using the appropriate codes, modifiers, and reimbursement rates as specified in the new documentation.

Thank you for your patience and support of this important initiative and for being a My Choice Wisconsin network provider. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us directly at

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