Member Advisory Committee

The My Choice Wisconsin Member Advisory Committee (MAC) is a dynamic team of MCW members who represent the ages, abilities, and cultures of MCW membership. They consult with our organization to ensure the quality of care for members in all long-term care and health care programs. Their life experiences lend unique perspective to our strategic planning and quality management efforts. The feedback they provide supports quality of care, improves access to covered services, and promotes health equity for all My Choice Wisconsin members.

My Choice Wisconsin’s strong commitment to self-advocacy and self-determination across all MCW programs is evident through the MAC. The motto of the self-advocacy movement is, “Nothing about us without us.” The mission statement of the MAC was written by the committee members themselves, illustrated in the image below. The monthly MAC meetings empower them to share their opinions and give voice to all members. Their thoughtful Tell Me Something Good posts can also be found on our News page.

Member Advisory Mission

The MAC has also begun creating smaller Regional Advisory Committees (RACs) to add insight from specific geographical areas of Wisconsin. They have a special focus on member satisfaction and exploring opportunities for community connections for our members. The RACs meet quarterly.

Throughout the year, the MAC hosts My Choice My Voice Community Conversations to gather even more diverse member perspectives on such issues as advocacy and self-determination, health equity, and community involvement.

The MAC, RACs, and Community Conversations provide MCW with invaluable feedback that helps the organization improve how we provide the best care for our members across all of the programs My Choice Wisconsin offers.

Want to Share Your Voice?

To learn more about serving on the Member Advisory Committee or one of the Regional Advisory Committees, see our MAC flyer.

Meet the Member Advisory Committee