Some healthcare providers have experienced a technical disruption. If you cannot get care or communication about that care, please reach out to us via Member Services.
Medicaid SSI and BadgerCare Plus services now offered by Molina Healthcare
Are you current on your vaccinations? Check with your primary caregiver or team.
You deserve the best! Please reply to the 2024 Satisfaction Survey if you're a Family Care or Partnership member or guardian who has received the survey!
The Flu Season is upon us. Have you received your flu shot? Call your Care Team for assistance.
The My Choice Wisconsin Member Advisory Committee (MAC) is a dynamic team of MCW members who represent the ages, abilities, and cultures of MCW membership. They consult with our organization to ensure the quality of care for members in all long-term care and health care programs. Their life experiences lend unique perspective to our strategic planning and quality management efforts. The feedback they provide supports quality of care, improves access to covered services, and promotes health equity for all My Choice Wisconsin members.
My Choice Wisconsin’s strong commitment to self-advocacy and self-determination across all MCW programs is evident through the MAC. The motto of the self-advocacy movement is, “Nothing about us without us.” The mission statement of the MAC was written by the committee members themselves, illustrated in the image below. The monthly MAC meetings empower them to share their opinions and give voice to all members. Their thoughtful Tell Me Something Good posts can also be found on our News page.
The MAC has also begun creating smaller Regional Advisory Committees (RACs) to add insight from specific geographical areas of Wisconsin. They have a special focus on member satisfaction and exploring opportunities for community connections for our members. The RACs meet quarterly.
Throughout the year, the MAC hosts My Choice My Voice Community Conversations to gather even more diverse member perspectives on such issues as advocacy and self-determination, health equity, and community involvement.
The MAC, RACs, and Community Conversations provide MCW with invaluable feedback that helps the organization improve how we provide the best care for our members across all of the programs My Choice Wisconsin offers.
Want to Share Your Voice?
To learn more about serving on the Member Advisory Committee or one of the Regional Advisory Committees, see our MAC flyer.
Meet the Member Advisory Committee
Duazong “Dee” says “Nyob Zoo!”** from her home in Madison. Dee has been on the My Choice Wisconsin Member Advisory Committee for 2 years and is currently the Chairman. She is also a part of the regional Dane member advisory team. Dee is proud to give a voice to those who are often over-looked, under-acknowledged, and might not have the ability to speak for themselves. Being a member of My Choice Wisconsin has given her the confidence to be independent and self-reliant. As Dee says, “they are not ‘disabilities;’ they’re merely the tip of ‘my capabilities’!”
When not advocating for her fellow members, Dee likes to scrapbook, read, and binge watch Netflix shows. She’s excited for the work that this team will be doing in the future!
**Nyob Zoo means “HELLO!” in Hmong. The NYO in “Nyob” is pronounced like the “nya” in “Tanya”. It sounds like “NYA- Awww.” The ZOO is pronounced “Zh- oong.”
Barry loves talking with people. He’s especially passionate about talking about science. His volunteer work at the Milwaukee County Public Museum for the dinosaur exhibit and the geology cart provides a convenient outlet for this passion. It also gives him the chance to test out new jokes – some that he finds in joke books but most that he makes up himself!
Being able to advocate for himself and others is a huge motivating factor to be on the Member Advisory Committee. Having a care team who listens to him has also helped Barry to become a better self-advocate. “I want to be the voice for members who cannot speak for themselves. I really want to empower other members to speak up for themselves.”
From school, to job searching, to hanging out with her fiancé Henry and volunteering at church, Savanna’s schedule keeps her busy. She’s also active with the Special Olympic’s Team Milwaukee as both an Athlete Leader and participant (bowling, volleyball, and rhythmic gymnastics).
My Choice Wisconsin’s transportation services are one of the things she finds most valuable in maintaining her freedom. In her down time, she likes to dance and get crafty by watching DIY videos. Being on the Member Advisory Committee allows Savanna to make a better life for herself and others by voicing her opinions and concerns. She also welcomes the opportunity to meet others and learn more about them and their abilities.
Savannah encourages people to vote so they can have a say in what our legislators do, “I also want to work so I can get to live on my own and get married. Disability rights are human rights!”
Patrick likes his independence – he is proud to live in his own apartment in Germantown and he works as a Finishing Assistant on the production floor of Tailored Label Products. He says My Choice Wisconsin helps provide the support he needs to live his life in the community.
Patrick has a history of being a self-advocate for people with abilities and disabilities. Being a member of the My Choice Wisconsin Member Advisory Committee and the Workforce Rehabilitation Council allows him to “make things happen” and he’s most passionate about employment.
Patrick enjoys competing in the Special Olympics – his favorite sports are basketball, swimming, and bowling. He is also involved with Taekwondo and likes to work out at the fitness center near his home.
It’s easy to see why employment and transportation are two important issues to King: King works as a greeter at Home Depot and he studies hospitality at the Milwaukee Area Technical College. His My Choice Wisconsin team provides a support system for King to work and they coordinate the transportation services he needs to be a part of his community. He likes meeting new people, being social, and cheering on his favorite Milwaukee team – go Bucks! King hopes that his efforts on the Member Advisory Team make a difference in the lives of his fellow members, especially those interested in exploring the employment path.
Chad loves enjoying the great outdoors with his son and Wisconsin’s capitol provides the perfect setting to do just that: biking, fishing, kayaking, snowboarding, and working out. Chad doesn’t let his visual impairment and 2014 traumatic brain injury hold him back: “Just because you have a disability, that doesn’t mean you can’t learn new things and live your life to the fullest.”
Being part of a team that comes up with solutions is a major reason he’s on the Member Advisory Committee and the Regional Dane Member Advisory Team. Chad also appreciates the resourcefulness of his My Choice Wisconsin care team in helping him find solutions for his social, medical and mental health needs so he can live his best life.
The Member Advisory team is lucky to have Katie. She values her position on the committee because voicing her experiences allows her to help all members. She says her MCW care team has had such an impact on her own life, through making her apartment more accessible and meeting her mental health needs, that she hopes to positively affect the lives of other members through her advocacy.
Katie also shares her passion for crafting by teaching a craft class to others with disabilities.
Jeff says his MCW Registered Nurse helps keep him on top of his doctor appointments and things he needs. When she suggested he might be a good fit for the MAC, he was happy to lend his voice. Living on his family’s hobby farm in the country in the center of WI, Jeff brings a unique perspective to the MAC.
Jeff has always been a motorhead. From building his own off-road wheelchair with friends, to tricking out a handicap-accessible hunting vehicle he found on Ebay, to the tray and cell phone mount he designed, Jeff doesn’t let his quadriplegia get in the way of adventuring outside. The outdoors is also where he pursues his other passion, photography.
Prior to becoming a MCW member, Bruce worked in transportation for 40 years driving truck and managing his own company. After encouragement from his caseworker, Bruce decided to join the MAC. “I think part of the struggle when you become disabled is you have to do something. Those involved with the MAC choose to be their own advocate. If I can help someone, that’s the biggest thing.” He’s most passionate about sharing the benefits he’s gained from MCW’s Medicare Dual Advantage program.
Bruce and his wife both recently graduated with college degrees; he was even on the dean’s list! Bruce continues to self-educate on supply chain management. They also enjoy caring for their two rescue cats, Rocky and Ethan.
Hailing from Watertown, Kristi enjoys being out in the community volunteering and going to events. A self-advocate leader with People First, she keeps busy creating projects, videos, and presentations. She’s passionate about educating peers without disabilities on the struggles and achievements of those in the disability community. Working together to strengthen their support systems is her ultimate goal.
Being on the MAC allows her to continue her advocacy efforts and play a direct role in the care she and others receive at MCW. “My Choice sees me beyond my disability… informing me of all my options and letting me make decisions about my life.” That includes living independently in her own apartment with her own job. Through her work with the MAC, she hopes others will find ways that MCW can help them live their best lives too.
Carley is a social butterfly. From arts and crafts, to enjoying music and making dance videos, she loves being around friends and family. She previously volunteered caring for horses and is currently sharing her talents at a year-round garden club. Now she’s on the hunt for a job working with children.
Being on the MAC gives her an outlet to meet new friends too. Carley loves helping people. By using her voice, she knows she can make that happen!
Our Members Are Our Top Priority
My Choice Wisconsin's Member Advisory Board is very active and makes things happen!
When our members self-direct, they can hire their own caregivers. In this case, our member hired her daughter to care for her.
Members and the nurses make great teams.
AshleySkendziel was awarded as one of the Nurses of the Year in Racine County! So proud to have her on our team, caring for our members.
Our member, King can brighten anyone's day.
Teamwork is about working together so our members can live safely and independently.
Staff join Carol Koby to discuss Medicare Dual Advantage and the great benefits to people throughout Wisconsin.